Friends of Manatees

STOP manatee exploitation!

Swimming with manatees is not ecotourism. Don’t support businesses that are only exploiting these majestic animals for profit and greed. Manatees are in Crystal River, Florida to survive. It’s a matter of life or death for them. Manatees are harassed from sunrise to sunset 365 days a year. Manatees have the right to be left alone and live in peace.

Don’t buy the lie! Please say “no” to swimming with manatees!

Don’t support businesses that are exploiting manatees for profit. It’s not ecotourism. It’s greed! Don’t buy the lie!

Our strong performance as an animal welfare and wildlife conservation 501(c)(3) non-profit is recognized by reputable charity monitoring groups.

Feel free to send Friends of Manatees a message using the form below.

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The manatees thank you.